Thursday, October 31, 2019

One of each Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

One of each - Essay Example By the latter part of the 1960s, as the impacts of the economic development pursuit upon the environment turned out to be more obvious, environmental concerns began to receive more attention and gain more importance. The Torrey Canyon accident, a major oil-tanker that broke up resulting in to the discharge of oil onto England’s south-west coast, raised severe public concern and underscored the fact that elevated consumer consumption was vulnerable to environmental threats. The growing industrialisation of agriculture in the United States was also seriously criticised for the environmental harm attributable to the application of agro-chemicals on farmland. Scholarly criticisms eventually had a key influence on public awareness and later on policy making, with the restriction or prohibition of use being placed on agro-chemicals classified as being the most hazardous (Holden 2003). Nevertheless, the tourism industry remained basically invulnerable from environmental criticism, the tourism’s reputation being chiefly an environmental friendly affair, or what some referred to as the ‘smokeless industry’. This image was boosted by the descriptions of tourism, encompassing values of beauty and purity, as depicted in sceneries of lush mountain areas and glamorous beaches enclosed in sunshine. Still, there were disagreeing remarks about tourism’s ‘smokelessness.’ There are academics who argue that in 1961 there was interest being shown over the potential ecological imbalance that may lead to tourism growth in the island of Tahiti in the Pacific (Holden 2003, 67). The examination of the impacts of growing population of people going down upon scenic regions in the 1960s provoked Mishan (1969, 141) to comment: Once serene and lovely towns such as Andorra and Biarritz are smothered with new hotels and the dust and roar of motorised traffic. The isles of Greece have become a

Monday, October 28, 2019

The American Life Style and fast food Essay Example for Free

The American Life Style and fast food Essay How much fast food do you guess you eat a month? The average American eats about 50lbs worth, that’s more than most children in 3rd world countries eat in total in 3 monthsWill you follow everyone else or will you stray from the beaten path, and dare to be different? Dare to be your own person? Or will you crumple from the influences and pressures of society? The truth is no matter how much you tell yourself that you are going to be independent and make your own choices and decisions regardless of what other people thing, every choice and decision you make are influenced by the people around you and the experiences you have faced. It is for this reason that accomplishing this task can be very challenging, however it is possible. And when you finally figure out who you are and what your values and morals it is believed you have finally â€Å"come of age†. A prime example of this would be in the fiction novel written by Mark Twain, the main character Huckleberry, also referred to as Huck runs away from home because the confines of society proved to be too overwhelming for Huck. On the run Huck meets a runaway slave named Jim and decides to help Jim escape with him despite the fact that he was raised and taught to be believe that slavery was a good thing and it is especially forbidden to help one to escape. It was for this reason that Huck struggles to see the blurred line between right and wrong. As Huck and Jim venture down the Mississippi River, Huck is introduced to many new experiences and is forced to make decisions that make him question his very own ideals, however it is those very own experiences and challenges that help him grow as a person and ultimately allows him to discover who he truly is as he himself comes of age. One of the many instances Huck is forced to make a difficult decision is when he encounters 3 murderers looting a shipwreck he and Jim came across while floating down the Mississippi. Huck overheard 2 of the murderers planning on stranding the other one on the wreck and taking his share of the loot, so he says â€Å"Quick, Jim, ain’t no time for fooling around and moaning;  there’s a gang of murderers in yonder, and if we don’t hunt up their boat and set her drifting down the river so these fellows can’t get away from the wreck, there’s one of’em going to be in a bad fix. But if we find their boat we can put all of’em in a bad fix† (pg.52) Huck originally plans to steal the murderer’s canoe so that none of them will be able to escape the wreck. However Huck starts to feel guilty as they start to float away from the wreck â€Å"Jim manned the oars, and we took out after our raft. Now was the first time that I begun to w orry about the men- I reckon I hadn’t had time to before. I begun to think how dreadful it was, even for murderers, to be in such a fix. I says to myself, there ain’t no telling but I might come to be a murderer myself, yet, and then how would I like it.†(pg.54) ,this is a crucial change in Huck because all his life he had wanted to be in a gang and kill people, but now that he felt he would be responsible for the murderer’s deaths he realized he was misguided and cannot handle the quilt if committing such an act. Finally Huck gives into his guilt and decides he could not live with himself if he left them there to die so he told Jim â€Å"At first light we will land and I’ll go fix up some kind of yarn and get somebody to go fetch that gang and get them out of their scrape.†(pg.55) Huck realizes that what they have done is wrong but if he had left them there he would be no better than they were. Huck learns something about himself on that wreck; he learns that the life he once wanted was not the life he was cut out for. Huck’s fight between his conscience and society greatens when he encounters a group of slave hunters. Huck feels guilty for helping Jim escape and starts to regret it, so Huck thinks things over in is head â€Å"Jim said it made him over trembly and feverish to be so close to freedom, well I can tell you it made me all trembly and feverish too, to hear that he was most free- and to blame for it? Why me! I couldn’t get that thought out of my conscience no how nor no way†(pg.66). It becomes obvious that Huck is torn between doing what is considered right and turning Jim in or what a part of him feels would be right and protect him. This conflict keeps eating away at Huck until he cannot take any more of it when he says â€Å"my conscience got to stirring me up hotter than ever†(pg.67) However the pressure of society finally get to Huck â€Å" until at last I say to it â€Å"let up on me- it ain’t too  late ill paddle ashore at first light, and te ll.† I felt easy, and happy and light as a feather; right off all my troubles was gone†. Huck convinces himself that turning in Jim is right thing to do. However as he approaches the slave hunters Huck realize he cannot do it. â€Å"What’s that yonder?† the slave hunters asked Huck. â€Å"Well there’s five niggers run off tonight, up yonder above the head of that bend. Is your man white or black?†(pg.68). Huck makes the conscious decision to lie to the slave hunters although it is not clear why â€Å"I didn’t answer up prompt I tried to, but the words wouldn’t come. I tried for a second or two, to brace up and out with it, but I warnt man- enough hadn’t the spunk of a rabbit. I see I was weakening; so I just give up trying, and up and says- â€Å"He’s white†(pg.68). Huck lies to protect Jim. Maybe he does this because he feels sympathetic for Jim and his family, or maybe Huck finally remembers that Jim has looked out for him and cared for him during their whole journey and realizes Jim is his only true friend, or it could be as simple as the fact that he made a promise to Jim not to betray him and Huck does not want to brake that promise. Whatever the reason this is a huge step for Huck when he decides not to turn Jim into the slave hunters and really allows him to slowly start to break loose from society and form his own morals. However despite Huck’s former breakthrough, Huck struggles to make peace with his conscience and the pressures of society get to him once again. To help ease himself Huck tries convince himself that it would just be for Jim if he was a slave. â€Å"Once I said to myself it would be better for Jim to be a slave at home where his family was as long as he got to be a slave and so I’d better write a letter to Tom Sawyer and tell him to tell Miss Watson where he was†(pg.160) Even though Huck is concerned that Jim might be punished for running away he still decides to write a letter hoping it will clear his conscience. Then Huck starts to think about what he’s done and what consequences he will face for his actions, â€Å"everybody naturally despises an ungrateful nigger and they’d make Jim feel it all the time and so he’d feel ornery and discouraged and then think of me! It would get all around that Huck Finn helped a nigger get his freedom and i f I was to ever see anybody from that town again id be ready to get down and lick his for shame†(pg.160), here starts to regret helping Jim escape and begins to worry  about what people will think of him when he returns home and hopes that he will be accepted into society again. With the hope that it will right the wrongs that he has done Huck decides to go on and write the letter here â€Å"I would do the right thing and the clean thing, and go and write to that niggers owner and tell where he was. I’ll go and write the letter then see if I can pray, why it was astonishing the way I felt as light as a feather right straight off and my troubles all gone, so I got a piece of paper and a pencil all glad and excited and set down and wrote. I felt all good and all washes clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life†(pg.161) This feeling of cleanliness helps assure Huck that he has done the right thing in the views of society. However Huck’s feeling of decency soon dissipates, â€Å"I happened to look around and see that paper, it was in a close place I took it in my hand, I was trembling because I got to forever betwixt two things, and I knowed it, I studied it a minute sort of holding my breath and then says to myself â₠¬Å"Alright then I’ll go to Hell† and tore it up†(pg.161) Huck finally decides he cannot bring himself to betray his only conscience and that he’d rather go to hell then do so. This is the point in Huck’s journey where he truly becomes his own person, where he breaks from the confines of society and decides to do what he in his heart feels is right not what other people think is right. This is an important decision for Huck and a crucial point in Huck’s life because growing up he was taught that slavery was a good thing and that African Americans were nothing but property as most boys were taught during that time period. However Huck discovers after meeting Jim that there is so much more to them, that they are a kind, and caring and sophisticated and loving people and that in turn helps Huck discover a little more about himself as well when he decides not to turn Jim in even though anyone else would have. Huck’s battles between his conscience and society force him to choose between being a part of society and becoming his own person, and while on his journey down the Mississippi with Jim he decides to be his own person and choose his own morals and values and by the end of his adventure he finally came of age with each experience along the way helping him grow as a person, whether it be near the beginning of the journey where he encounters a gang of murderers on a shipwreck and instead of leaving them there to die he decides to send help for them, or it be near half way through his journey where he comes  across a group of slave hunters and rather than turn Jim in, he lies to protect him even though the â€Å"right† thing to do would’ve been to turn him in. Or even near the end where he almost breaks his promise and betrays Jim when he writes a letter to Tom Sawyer telling him where Jim is, but instead of sending the letter he tears it up and decides to finish h elping Jim escape even if it means he’ll go to hell. All of these events are important in helping Huck create his own sense of right and wrong and in many ways, come of age.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Recommendations for Healthcare Worker Health and Safety

Recommendations for Healthcare Worker Health and Safety Liz Rushe Comprehensive plan and aims Outline the aims of the assignment and background details of the setting My name is Elizabeth Rushe, I am currently doing a healthcare QQI awards course, as part of my course work and assignments, and I have to do some work experience, in a nursing home setting, for sixty hours. I applied in Riada House in Tullamore Before I started my work experience, I had to apply in writing, for the work experience and sent in my cv along with my guards clearance and my insurance letter, two references, when I had all the paper work in order I had to set up a meeting with the manger, to meet with them and see, when I could start doing my work experience. I met with the manager her name was Geraldine, she was very nice and made me feel very welcome, and she asked me all about the course and asked did I like it. Geraldine said that they do have a lot of students doing work experience in the setting, we talked about when I would start and what I needed to wear, which was a black trouser and polo shirt. I asked her about the setting, she told me that there were 35 bedded units, consisting of 6 respite care and 29 long term care beds. The care team at Riada House aim to provide high quality, person centred care within a supportive, homely and welcoming environment. The care team aim to promote independence and residents choices. The rights and dignity of each resident will be respected at all times. I thanked Geraldine for her taking the time for meeting me and that I look forward, to starting my work experience there and that I would see her on the date that I was starting on, as I walked up the hall to the main door, any staff members that I met, they all smile and said hello, as I met them, which tell me that this is a nice place. Liz Rushe Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace Noise and sound HAZARDS As a healthcare assistant, working with noise and loud can cause stress for both patients and the healthcare assistant, especially on a long shift. Patients are not able to get a full night sleep, as they may have waked up shortly are falling asleep and too tried to get up the next day. As someone has the radio or television up a bit too high, or a staff member letting something fall in the middle of the night that might have made a loud noise. RISK Loud and distracting sounds and noises can interfere with the healthcare assistant duties, as this can distract them and not concentrate on the patient that they are attending, which puts the patient at risk. CONTROL MEASURES Make sure that all televisions and radio are turn off or turn down low after 8pm in the evening and that all the ward doors are closed to help aid a good night sleep.   That all staff are wearing low and comfortable footwear, (cushions souls). Liz Rushe Stress HAZARDS If the healthcare assistant is under or feeling stress in the workplace, this can cause physical and mental health problems and up set to them,   this can cause them to be distracted in their work and not having their minds fully on their job, this could result in putting the patient, other members of staff and them selves at risk. This   may lead to the healthcare assistant been absence for work, this can lead to more problems for the healthcare assistant, as they are out of work, they are not getting their full wages. RISKS The healthcare assistant can start to have problems, such as high blood pressure, skin problems (eczema, rash), the healthcare assistant can have disturbed sleep, which will affect them carry out their daily duties and this can affect their confidence in their work. The healthcare assistant can take to drugs, alcohol, or even develop an ulcer from worrying, which can also lead to hair loss or going grey. If the healthcare assistant is on any medical, or coming into work after taking drugs or alcohol, this could affect them in their work environment CONTROL MEASURES Taking up daily exercise, as getting out in the fresh air can help your mood; also as you are walking, they might find it can tell them to talk to another person about what is going on in their lives. Going to their manger and having a talk with them, might the only thing that they have to do to fit the problem, that they are having and if not it might be the first steps that they take to putting it right. Liz Rushe Diet, exercise and lifestyle HAZARDS Having a good lifestyle, might not always be a good thing, if we do not take any exercise at all, this could affect the healthcare assistant, in their daily work. Taking daily exercise is one of the key in fighting and preventing heart disease, depression and anxiety.   Going for a walk can help change your mood, after a bad day at work or just help clear your head, if anything was worry you, if they are getting it hard to focus on their job, which can lead to bad judgment. A well balance diet can help too, this can start feeling good on the inside, and this diet must contain, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, mineral, salts and fibre, plus some fat. RISKS If something is wrong at work, this can affect the healthcare worker, judgement and choices that they made about each patient. If they are not concentrating on what they are doing, they can easily mix up mediation. By not taking exercise can be the cause of back pain, other injury, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, or type two diabetes, depression. CONTROL MEASURES Regular physical exercise is great; taking 20 30 minutes, three times a week will help improve our physical and mental health.   Reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. having a well balance diet, can help us feel good, this also helps   our bladder and bowl keep in working order, penalty of roughage dose help. A few drink free nights together and giving up smoking will improve the healthcare worker chance of living long and fitter as well. Liz Rushe Dangerous chemicals, fumes and dust HAZARDS The healthcare assistant should always read the labels on all chemicals, before use, and never mix any chemicals together. All chemicals are dangerous and need to be treated with care, as the can catch fire or cause some long term health problems for the healthcare worker. If chemicals get on the skin, this may cause skin irritation, chest problems, as the fumes can be dangerous. RISKS The healthcare assistant could be out of work for a long time, due to inhaling fumes that have cause chest problems, or skin irritation. If not stored properly, some chemicals can catch fire, which could lead to someone getting buried. CONTROL MEASURES All chemicals must be labelled clearing, that everyone knows what the are and how to use them, store away in a locked and safe area or cupboard. Good housekeeping is always top of the list, as damp dusting, will help keep down dust that can lead to health problems. All ways wear PPE, gloves, mask, and apron when dealing with any chemicals. Never put any chemicals into minerals bottles at ant time. Liz Rushe Occupational related illness HAZARDS People and patients coughing or sneezing on you, passing their germs to you. It is important that healthcare assistants always follow policy and procedures, by wearing PPE, gloves, aprons etc. The healthcare worker should report anything that they see, that could cause a hazard, such as wet floor, this could cause someone to fall or slip, which could result in the person been injury. RISKS Bad house keeping can cause a risk, such as air borne bugs (dust), spills that occur, if not clean up straight away, can result in slipping or falling, which lead to that person been out of work (back injury). Steps could be highlighted for safety if in a dark area, also keep all hall ways clear of any equipment or boxes. CONTROL MEASURES If the   healthcare assistant is not trained in the right control measures, they should look to be trained, and it is important that the healthcare worker, maintain a good standard of house keeping, spraying door handles, hand rails, good hand washing, and report any defects that they see, on equipment, or in the wards. Liz Rushe Manual handing HAZARDS If the healthcare assistant is not trained probably in moving, or lifting patients in a hoist, this could result, in the healthcare assistant or patient getting hurt. Always use the slip sheet, instead of pulling the patient up the bed by hand. Not wearing the right footwear, can be a hazard, wearing non slip soles and comfortable can help been on your feet all day and reduce back injury. RISKS If the task needs two people, the healthcare assistant must not attempt, to do this by themselves, as this could result in the patient or the healthcare assistant getting hurt. Never lift by them as this could lead to the healthcare assistant been out of work, due to back injury, always using a hoist. CONTROL MEASURES The healthcare assistant must make sure before using any equipment, that it is in good working order and report it if needs attention and always be in the correct standing position before moving anyone. Make sure that before moving or changing the patient, that you have everything that is needed; it is too late half way through. The healthcare assistant must give themselves penalty of room in moving a patient and not wearing clothes that could restrict their movement. Liz Rushe Select one occupational related illness and give a detailed description of CAUSES Back injury is the most common injury in the healthcare sector, along with contacts with germs, falls, trips, and slips on wet floors. As the healthcare assistant goes about their daily duties, it is important for them to follow policy and procedures, to reduce the risk of injury to themselves or patients. By not using a hoist when lifting a patient into or out of a bed, chair or if need be into the toilet, there will be a pulling on the back. The healthcare assistant who does not take care, when picking up, putting down any such items as boxes, etc. Not using the slip sheet, when moving a patient up in the bed and pulling them up using their own arms. When making or changing a bed, the healthcare assistant must always raise the bed up to hip level, before starting this task, as this can reduce the risk of back injury. When showering a patient do not lift them, with another assistant, use a hoist to lift them into the shower bed or onto a chair to wheel them into the bathroom. When feeding a patient sit down beside them at their level and do not stand, bend down over them. When changing a patient in the bed, bending over the patient, can lead to back discomfort and after doing this for a length of time, will cause back injury. Liz Rushe Symptoms As the healthcare assistant goes about their daily duties, they may find that not using their manual handing properly   and lifting patients, with their arms   and pulling them up in the beds and chairs that now they are suffering with back pain and discomfort. They may feel tried and not able to do much around the house. This may start to affect the ability to do their normal work duties and affect their home life as well and if this is not look after, might lead to been out of work, for a long time. The healthcare assistant must watch out for things left out in hall ways, as they can fall over them and hurt their backs and walking into rooms, after been cleaned, as the floors might be still wet and they can slip and fall. As the healthcare assistant finds that the simple thing of rolling a patient over in the bed, can hurt them, as this could be the result of wear and tear over a period of time. This can also lead to the healthcare assistant to start getting pains in their, legs, arms and neck as the injury gets worst. The healthcare assistant may have to, leave work and go to the doctor, which could lead to been out of work for long periods of time. Liz Rushe Impact on the worker The impact on the healthcare assistant was out of work, due to wear and tear, or a fall, can have big effect on their lives. If they are out of work, they might not be able to do anything at home, such as hover, wash a floor or other basic things and this could start them feeling down in them selves. As they sit at home the healthcare assistant, could start to eat to much as that all they can do or turn away from food, as they get more and more depressed. Their sleep might be affect, which could lead to been up during the night and asleep all day, which could lead to the person been moody. Along with this, their wages might be affect, which will bring other problems with it, such as doctor bills, any medication that they might have to get, plus if they have to see a physiotherapy, this can start to add up and not been on full wages , can become expensive. This may cause the healthcare assistant to become stress and depress, as financial problems may start to arise.   As the healthcare assistant is at home, they might not see anyone until their family comes home, which this can be lonely on the person. They should try and get out for a walk every day even if they can not go very far, as they will meet someone along the way to talk to them. Liz Rushe Preventative measures It is the healthcare assistant responsibility to be trained fully in manual handing and if not go to the staff nurse or manger to request that this is done.   The healthcare assistant must always follow what they have been shown, through manual handing, as this dose prevent a lot of injury. The healthcare assistant must report any faults in the setting or any equipment that needs to be repaired. Suitable footwear can help, as been on your feet all day can affect your back. Put manual handing into use, by bending your knees when bending and lifting any boxes and always use correct stand, when moving a patient, use your legs to take some of the pressure. Regular exercise can help prevent, some back injury and getting patients who are able to move, to get them to do most of the moving themselves, where possible. Always use the hoist, when lifting or moving a patient to a chair, toilet, shower or bed and never lift anyone by yourself, always have someone with you to assess. When moving a patient up in the bed, always use a slip sheet and never pull a patient up with your arms. Bring the bed up to hip high, when changing the bed or a patient, as the healthcare assistant will not have to bend over, and there for reduce the pull to the assistant back area. When feeding a patient, sit down beside them at their level, so you do not have to bend over them or reach to them. Liz Rushe Recommendations One of my recommendations would be that all healthcare staff, trained in manual handing, before the start the job, and any up date training to be done, for all staff in the setting.   As lifting without a hoist can be dangerous, also that all staff that have anything to do with changing, feeding or looking after the patients. Follow policy and procedures correctly, as this can stop injury to the patient and healthcare assistant. I also recommendations that all staff and students shown how to steer, and walk slowly with a wheelchair, especially around corners. I recommend that all staff wear appropriate foot wear (cushion souls), as I think that this dose helps with back problems. All healthcare staff should their PPE personal protective equipment, gloves, aprons, masks, when dealing with any patients that soiled or any body fluids. For all staff to use the hand gel, as many times as they can during the day, as this is better than hand washing, in killing more germs. All nurses, healthcare assistants, cleaning staff to report anything that they find in the wards, hallways or other parts of the setting that is in need of repair, as this can cause an accident or maybe become a risk for someone. As good communication between staff and manger, is especially to keep everything running smoothly. Liz Rushe Assignment evaluation As part of my assignment, I had to go work experience, in a nursing home setting, as I started this course and doing my work experience, I have learned so much about policies and procedures, health and safety, that following them is very important. I have learned how much care and attention the patients need on a daily basic and this is given to them, by all the staff with kindness and respect. Staff must follow the health and safety policy and procedures, to ensure that everyone is working in safe environment. I have learned that all staff must do everything they can   to prevent the spread of infection and that staff that are dealing with patient of high risk are taking appropriate measures, such as hand washing, hand gel and wearing PPE at all times. When changing a bed, to have the laundry trolley beside the bed and not to bring the dirty sheets to the trolley, in another room.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Death Penalty, Right or Wrong? Essay -- essays research papers

The Death Penalty, Right or Wrong? Fear of death discourages people from committing crimes. If capital punishment were carried out more it would prove to be the crime preventative it was partly intended to be. Most criminals would think twice before committing murder if they knew their own lives were at stake. As it turns out though very few people are executed and so the death penalty is not a satisfactory deterrent. Use of the death penalty as intended by law could actually reduce the number of violent murders by eliminating some of the repeat offenders. More timely enforcement of the death penalty would help to reduce the crime problem by instilling a sense of respect for the law in that sentences are more than words on a page.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The death penalty has always been and continues to be a very controversial issue. People on both sides of the issue argue endlessly to gain further support for their movements. While opponents of capital punishment are quick to point out that the United States remains one of the few Western countries that continue to support the death penalty. The deterrent effect of any punishment depends on how quickly the punishment is applied.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is making the prisoner suffer by being in jail for the rest of his life is more torturous and inhumane than execution? Let us look at some of the methods of execution used in the past. Through the centuries people have been stoned to death, boiled in oil, skinned alive, crucified, roasted over fires on iron beds, pulled apart with horses, had their heads cut off, been hanged, been drawn and quartered, sawn in half, and broken with a wheel. (Hickman, 2003, p. 174) Hanging was the most widely used form of execution in the United States until the middle of the twentieth century. Other forms of execution used in America include the electric Death Penalty 4 chair, the gas chamber and, the current method of choice, lethal injection. (Hickman, 2003, pgs. 175-176) There are currently 38 states that allow the death penalty. These are their methods of execution: Electrocution: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Firing Squad: Idaho, Utah.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gas Chamber: Arizona, California, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina.   &n... ...hem just as clearly by taking their life. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Killing two is no better than killing one. Is this a daily act in which we as a country would like to partake? Or is this something we are reluctant to do? Think about it. Do we want this or don’t we? Are we murderers? Death Penalty 11 References Hickman, Tom 2003. Death: A User’s Guide. Westminster, MD: Dell Publishing Manderson, Desmond 1999. Courting Death: The Legal Constitution of Mortality. London:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pluto Press Radelet, Michael L 1995. Post-Furman Botched Executions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Capital Punishment 2001 (Retrieved October 4, 2004)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Demographics of the Death Penalty 1996   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ The Death Penalty Is Not a Deterrent (Retrieved October 7, 2004)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ A Declaration of Life (Retrieved October 7, 2004)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Asian American Stereotypes in Film Essay

Asian Americans only make up a small percent of the American population. Even more significant is that this percentage live mostly on the west and east coasts of mainland United States and Hawaii; leaving the rest of the American population to most likely get their exposures to Asians through television and movies. However the exposure they have receive throughout the history of cinematography has been hardly flattering. Throughout the course of history Asians in film have been portrayed as evil or the â€Å"yellow peril† as described by others. If Asians are not being classified as evil in this picture then they are most likely the comic relief, with their lack of coordination or grasp of the English language. With these common stereotypes in place, it gives a white American viewer a sense or need to destroy this Asian villain or superiority over the comedic character portrayed in the film. In the film Gung Ho filmed in the year 1986, the story is told of the plight of the people working in the region known as the Rust Belt. The group that is the focal point of this story is the relation between Asian men in an American town and the differences they share are played out in this movie. The stereotypes enlisted in this movie are both that of a villainous nature and a comedic relief with some of the characters. Throughout the film it is how the clever, white working class people of this hard working town have to overcome the maniacal working environment these Asian men have. Common stereotypes of the Asian man lay throughout the entire course of the movie, stereotypes that have been portrayed by the film industry of Asian men since its inception. The main stereotype in this movie is that Asian men only care about their jobs and their careers and little else. That the Asian man will go through great sacrifice to get to the top of the business that they work for. From beginning to end, many white families are portrayed in the movie showing that the American people have family values. Yet absent through the whole course of the picture is any Asian man with his family. This signifies that the Asian group does not have time, nor wants to make time to have a family life because they are trying to succeed in business. The Asian boss in the film wanted the results to his liking and little else, whether time with the family was missed or not. Hardly a glimpse of an Asian woman is seen during the movie while the American, and predominantly, white working community always spends time with the family and it is a valued part of their lives. Any slight mention of the Asian characters family was done in conversation without an on-screen appearance by the wife or children. Another stereotype depicted in the film was that every Asian character spoke flawed English. Not one single person through the film had a perfect grasp of the English language. This provides the comical relief in the film as any Asian man at any time could pronounce a word wrong or use the wrong word to the bemusement of the film watchers. The broken English that is used by the Asian characters in this film seem to heighten or display the fact that the Asian characters have visible flaws. The Americans never have to display such flaws, in fact the only part of the movie where an American attempts to spoke Japanese it is completely flawless, without hesitation or pause. A further stereotype that is used in this film is that Asian people make good managers, but are never good leaders. What this tells use is that while a person of Asian descent might know the best possible way to accomplish a goal they will never have the force or strong enough personality to get others to get the goal accomplished. The film has Asian men taking over an American plant and trying to incorporate work ethics that are highly successful over in Japan. Yet the white, working class person refused to adhere to such a strict regime and basically revolts to the ideas. This ultimately leads to the failure and disgrace of the Japanese workers who are unsuccessful in making the plant completely efficient. In the end it takes the will of one of the white workers to bring everyone together and incorporate a meld between the two cultures in order to get the job done and everything to turn out successful. Asian men are depicted as not being strong enough to take control of a situation, where as white American has the ability and will constantly use it to save the day for everyone involved in the situation. One finally stereotype that the film has is the simple fact that all people of Asian descent have some knowledge of the martial arts. Scenes in which martial arts were used were placed in the film seemingly at random, and just for the sole purpose of showing that the Asian character knew a form of martial arts. The film did not need to have any martial arts in it, as it was not the main focal point, or even any kind of focal point, in the film. Yet the makers of the film deemed it necessary to show, in fact, these Asian characters do know how to use martial arts to their advantage. The film portrays the Asian men in a negative light by showing that they do not have the will or the ability to take charge in a situation. This is completely different from the image of the American man who can take charge at any time, whether it is revolting against the Asian ideas or saving the day at the end of the film. The white American voice has no problem being heard and enforced, and its strong will might â€Å"rub off† on others in the end. They are portrayed almost as a type of savage or once again as the yellow peril as they were depicted years earlier. The seven-day work schedules and mandatory free overtime seems barbaric to the American workers, as well as the little amount of time spent with the families. Overall, the Asian men in this film seem to be a harsh taskmaster over their American working force. One of the consequences of this film is that it keeps up the stereotype of Asian Americans being the model minority. The Asian Americans have had this definition of themselves because of their strong cultural background, including strong work ethic, keeping them from becoming a problem minority, which many Americans saw the African American community as a problem. Asian American’s docile approach and lacking of any traits of masculinity were seen as positive traits and were widely regarded as no being a threat to the standards and norms White America had created for themselves. All this movie does is further portray that stereotype, as none of the Asian men in this film have any strong masculine qualities. They cannot take charge, they are easily intimidated, and they are never assertive with their beliefs and restrictions giving the impression to the movie viewers that Asian Americans are docile beings and Asian Americans are obstacles easily overcame. Overall, the object of this movie is to entertain the audience sitting at home watching it, laughing at the mishaps and situations that happen along the way. The question is, however, at who’s expense does the laughter come? Perpetuating this stereotype only goes to further damage the way Asian Americans are seen by the American public. Also during the time the movie was being made, the yen and the dollar were in competition over which had more value. This movie in a subtle way suggests that American workers can overcome any adversity, while the Asian cast is lucky to have such determined Americans to help them out of their problems. The movie serves to inspire Americans by relying on a stereotype of Asians to show that Asian are weak and Americans are strong, and that they can overcome any challenge they rally behind.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Chemical Composition of Human Sweat or Perspiration

The Chemical Composition of Human Sweat or Perspiration As you might imagine, human perspiration is mainly water. Have you ever wondered what else is in sweat? Heres a look at the chemical composition of perspiration and the factors that affect it. Why Do People Sweat? The main reason people perspire is so evaporation of water can cool the body. Therefore, it makes sense that the main component of perspiration is water. However, perspiration also plays a role in excretion of toxins and waste products. Sweat is chemically similar to plasma, but certain components are selectively retained or excreted. Variations in Perspiration Chemical Composition The chemical composition of perspiration varies between individuals and also depends on what they have been eating and drinking, why they are sweating, how long they have been perspiring, and several other factors. General Composition Perspiration consists of water, minerals, lactate, and urea. On average, the mineral composition is: Sodium (0.9 gram/liter)Potassium (0.2 g/l)Calcium (0.015 g/l)Magnesium (0.0013 g/l) Trace metals that the body excretes in sweat include: Zinc (0.4 milligrams/liter)Copper (0.3–0.8 mg/l)Iron (1 mg/l)Chromium (0.1 mg/l)Nickel (0.05 mg/l)Lead (0.05 mg/l) Sources Montain, S J, et al. â€Å"Sweat mineral-element responses during 7 h of exercise-heat stress.†Ã‚  International, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2007.sportof journal  Ã‚  nutrition and exercise metabolism

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Current Population of the U.S.A.

The Current Population of the U.S.A. The current U.S. population is more than  327 million people (as of early 2018). The United States has the worlds third largest population, following China and  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹India. As the worlds population is approximately 7.5  billion (2017 figures), the current U.S. population represents a mere 4  percent of the worlds population. That means that not quite one in every 25 people on the planet is a resident of the United States of America. How the Population Has Changed and Is Projected to Grow In 1790, the year of the first census of the U.S. population, there were 3,929,214 Americans. By 1900, the number had jumped to 75,994,575. In 1920 the census counted more than 100 million people (105,710,620). Another 100 million people were added to the United States in just 50 years when the 200-million barrier was reached in 1970. The 300 million mark was surpassed in 2006. The U.S. Census Bureau expects the U.S.  population to grow to reach these estimates over the next few decades, averaging about 2.1 million more people per year: 2020: 334.5 million2030:  359.4 million2040:  380.2  million2050:  398.3  million2060: 416.8  million The Population Reference Bureau succinctly summarized the state of the growing U.S. population in 2006: Each 100 million has been added more quickly than the last. It took the United States more than 100 years to reach its first 100 million in 1915. After another 52 years, it reached 200 million in 1967. Less than 40 years later, it is set to hit the 300-million mark. That report suggested that the United States would reach 400 million in 2043, but in 2015 that year was revised to be in 2051. The figure is based on a slowdown in the immigration rate and the fertility rate. Immigration Makes Up for Low Fertility The United States total fertility rate is 1.89, which means that, on average, each woman gives birth to 1.89 children throughout her life. The UN Population Division projects the rate to be relatively stable, from 1.89 to 1.91 projected to 2060, but it still  isnt population replacement.  A country would need a fertility rate of 2.1  to have a stable, no-growth population overall. Overall the U.S. population is  growing  at 0.77 percent a year as of December 2016, and  immigration plays a huge part  in that.  Immigrants to the United States are often young adults (looking for a better life for their future and their familys), and the fertility rate of that population (foreign-born mothers) is higher than for native-born women and projected to remain so. That aspect accounts for that slice of the population growing to be a larger share of the nations population overall, reaching 19 percent by 2060, as compared with 13 percent in 2014. By 2044 more than half of the people will belong to a minority group (anything other than  only  non-Hispanic white). In addition to immigration, longer life expectancy also comes into play with the growing population numbers, and the influx of young immigrants will help the United States support its aging native-born population.​ Shortly before  2050, the current No. 4 nation, Nigeria, is expected to surpass the United States to become the worlds third-largest nation, as its population is growing quickly. India is expected to be the most populous in the world, growing past China.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Trinity Community Hospital Development

Trinity Community Hospital Development Introduction Trinity community hospital operates in an environment that is influenced by national trends and policy frameworks. Currently, the hospital aspires to establish elaborate orthopedic, cardiovascular and cancer centers. Opening such centers will imply increased spending on the part of the hospital.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Trinity Community Hospital Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the hospital’s strong strategies and planning, the revenues from the anticipated increase in volumes of patients have not been forthcoming leading to a drop in profit margins. The rationale is that national policies have affected the hospital’s financial performance negatively. While the self-pay program is yielding marginal revenues for Trinity Community Hospital, there has been a surge in Medicare and Medicaid utilization. Government’s increased involvement in health care has seen the rise of new health care policies. Ideally, national policies seek to increase health insurance covers to more people although it is detrimental in the end. This paper discusses the impacts of national trends and policies on the hospital and prescribes a possible legislation. Impacts of National trends on Trinity Community Hospital National health policies have changed dramatically over the recent years. The government hopes to increase the number of uninsured individuals by rolling out a policy that has seen public health care providers record increased membership. Medicaid and Medicare health care providers are public funded and as such, it is hard for private hospitals and health care insurers to compete effectively. There is a clear negative impact on community hospitals and private health care facilities. Trinity Hospital has had a declining financial performance. In fact, the revenues dropped from $462 million to $ 427 million in a period of two years. Trinity hospita l therefore contends with the question of reduced revenues. Reduced revenues have many impacts for Trinity Community Hospital. Chiefly, there is an apparent need for the hospital to open oncology, orthopedic and cardiovascular centers within the community.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Oncology services remain a major concern for the hospital given that the demand for such services is anticipated to increase exponentially in future. Besides, oncology services remain poorly organized in the hospital with only a few cardiologists liaising with the hospital to facilitate the diagnoses and prevention processes. To establish functional centers, the hospital needs to prioritize on urgently demanded service centers. For orthopedic and cardiovascular services, Regional Hospital and Tertiary Medical Center provide efficient services. Hence, the hospital ought to prio ritize on oncology services that are absent or poorly organized in other hospitals. National trends therefore will imply a review of the strategic plan to grapple with diminishing revenues. This is in agreement with David Joint’s perspective that the government has become far too involved in the health care sector at the expense of health facilities. Second, the hospital’s goal of establishing high quality centers that provide oncology, orthopedic and cardiovascular services is at risk. Quality service centers imply more medical practitioners and employees. Nonetheless, the physicians’ returns do not match the heightened costs and as such, Trinity Community Hospital stands to lose a substantial number of already employed members of the staff while putting up with strained ability to hire skilled professionals. This will in turn make the hospital unable to attend to the needs of the hospital. This is not only detrimental for the hospital’s ability to meet its objectives but also lead to a farther reduction in revenues in addition to worsened shortage of medics (Marshall Rossman, 2009). Another impact that is embedded in the imminent shortage of physicians is an increase of demand for healthcare services, which at the current situation will not be met. This is not only at Trinity Community hospital but also at the community level.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Trinity Community Hospital Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Regional Hospital and Tertiary Medical Center will be unable to meet the demands of the patients given the impending shortage of physicians. Therefore, the national objective of increasing provision of health care to numerous people will not be achieved in the long term. Finally, Trinity Community Hospital may not be able to realize its objectives and goals stipulated in the strategic plan. It is therefore critical to review the stra tegic plan to match the current trends. This would in turn insinuate a delayed realization of the hospital’s goals to provide health care services that are high of quality while at the same time complying with the national policies and trends that have made the services inaccessible contrary of the objectives of the national policies. Possible Solution and Legislation There are numerous impacts that will ensue after the legislators and policymakers allow a policy that reduces physicians’ payments to guide health care facilities. To arrive at a solution and a possible framework that will see the attainment of both the government and hospital’s objectives, there is the need to explore alternatives. At the outset, it is apparent that the government would like to see the number of people without health covers reduce significantly. The policy reflects a short-term antidote for an entrenched problem. Joint and Holland are right in their assertion that there is a need for Trinity Community Hospital to be proactive in the activities of Hospital Political Action Committee that will propose a feedback to the legislators as well as the national policymakers. Primarily, working closely with the Committee will enhance lobbying. According to Krugman Wells (2006), a strong body that addresses the issues and impacts surrounding the current policies and national trends will have a better chance of convincing the policymakers than when Trinity confronts the policymakers as a single organization.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The committee will also allow the members to address pertinent issues and explore alternatives for the policies (Krugman Wells, 2006). For Trinity Community Hospital, alternatives that it will present to the committee include the following although they are not limited to the Board’s opinion. First, it is important for the national legislators to appreciate that the current policies are inadequate to address the issues of rising demand for specific health services. Evidently, oncology and cancer services are not meeting the current demand of patients in the hospitals located within the community. Coupled with the fact that the government legislations seek to reduce physicians’ payments, the demand is poised to increase in the long term. As such, policies that address the issue of access to quality services for specific medical areas as orthopedic, oncology and cardiovascular could be the starting point during the feedback presentation. Besides, it is important to arti culate the rising shortage for physicians in different sectors through the Hospital Political Action Committee. For oncology services, Trinity Community Hospital alongside other hospitals is yet to establish functional centers that provide cancer services to the members of the community partially because of the apparent shortage of medical professionals in the area. To that end, the policymakers will have to understand the glaring crises that may typify health care system in future. Subsequently, a possible legislation ought to prioritize on the areas that need staffing. While some health care services are readily available to the community, others remain elusive and it is upon the government to introduce a special category of physicians whose payments will be forthcoming. This does not only allure more people to join medical schools to pursue professions whose services are needed but also increase the ability for the hospital to retain current medics and provide improved health car e services. Further, Trinity Hospital will use this platform to explicate that the numbers of uninsured patients continue to rise. Although Medicaid and Medicare constitute substantial percentage of health care insurance, increasing numbers of people have no medical covers and insurance to access health care in the community. An alternative policy ought to focus on reducing the number of uninsured members of the community while also ensuring that they prioritize on areas whose demand for services is high. Finally, the legislators ought to enhance a more comprehensive policy that addresses prevention healthcare as opposed to curative care. In line with Trinity Hospital’s objectives of embarking on community outreaches and sensitization to the members of the community, the policies ought to give priority to prevention programs that will not only reduce demand for health care services but also facilitate reduction of the current workload amongst physicians. It should be made a p olicy for members of the community to access basic information regarding orthopedic, cardiovascular and oncology services. Besides, the policy should be driven by a campaign to improve people’s lifestyles and elucidate on dangers that are associated with specific lifestyles. This way, the hospital will reduce the anticipated numbers of patients seeking health care services and live within its objectives of providing quality healthcare services for patients given that their numbers will drop substantially. Summary In sum, it is important for the entire team at Trinity Community Hospital to appreciate the effects that national trends and policies will have on the hospital’s plans and projections. First, the policies will lead to a farther reduction in the revenues of the hospital. The revenue margin has reduced substantially in a period of two years. With such a decline in annual revenues, Trinity Community Hospital grapples with the need to establish orthopedic, cardiov ascular and oncology centers which will be affected by diminishing revenues. Besides, legislations that seek to withdraw payments from physicians will lead to a sharp shortage of physician across the entire country. This is notwithstanding the growing demand for oncology services in particular. This is bearing in mind that, hospitals like Trinity Community Hospital are yet to organize their respective cancer departments. To address these issues, Trinity hospital ought to liaise with Hospital Political Action Committee that will increase the organization’s ability to lobby the legislators (Marshall Rossman, 2009). It is through the committee that Trinity Community hospital will be able to explicate the impacts of the policies. Besides, the committee will be able articulate the review of such policies to benefit the entire community. The amendments in the current policies will also focus on the need for more improved prevention care programs. This will go a long way in reducin g the current unmet demand for services in the community. References Krugman, P. Wells, R. (2006). Health Care Policies and Impacts on Hospitals. New York: Worth Publishers. Marshall, C. Rossman, B. (2009). Healthcare Policies and Long-Term Impacts. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The communication medium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The communication medium - Essay Example For instance, waving one’s hand is generally used to bid someone farewell while putting one’s hand with the palm facing forward gestures one to stop. Simple gestures like waving one’s hand do not define sign language, rather when several gestures are combined to relay thoughts, ideas and feelings they become sign language. In strict terms, there are three categories of sign language differentiated by users and purpose and these are deaf sign languages, auxiliary sign languages and signed modes of languages. The first contains various types all specific to various deaf communities all over the world, the second is a system of signed languages that vary in complexity and the third refers to manually coded languages that are a link between signed and oral languages (â€Å"Sign Language†). Sign language is defined by the two aspects of signals and visual signs as essentially out of all the five senses, eyes are the main facilitators. Visual signs are the most preferred form of sign language as they are universally understood and easy to remember. For instance, in a business setup graphs and charts are used to illustrate the performance of a company in an analytical manner. This is economical compared to having to print out financial documents such as balance sheets. Photographs and pictures in color arouse an interest and motivate people in a presentation setting such as a classroom or boardroom. Drawings and posters as well are used for informative purposes as they can relay information to illiterate people. For example, the drawing of a person holding a cigarette with various rotting body parts has been used to illustrate the dangers of smoking. At the same time, posters are used for advertisements and publicity. However, in most cases visual signs cannot be used alone they have to be accompanied with some form of writing. In addition, they can only convey simple ideas thus, for proper communication they have to be accompanied by gestu res and/or hand signals; and they are likely to get misunderstood plus correcting them is difficult (Kumar 270). On the other hand, signals make use of hands and other parts of the body as well as facial expressions. This is useful in combat and stealthy situations where one needs to communicate quickly without getting noticed. For deaf and mute communities, sign language is a specialized system of communication that includes their grammar system. In this case, sign language is transmitted through three systems oral, complementary forms of oral systems and signs. Oral systems attempt to make use of the minimal hearing capability of deaf people and they include lip reading along with use of verbal-tonal systems. Complementary forms of oral systems promote oral language through cued speech and bimodal communication, using both sign language systems and certain aspects of verbal communication. Lastly, signs are dependent of five factors- facial expressions, orientation, movement, hand gestures and location. For instance, touching one’s mouth using all the fingers except the thumb is used to gesture gratitude (Pfau, Steinbach and Woll 523). Notably as well, sign language is used for comical entertainment as is the case with pantomimes where gestures are dramatized accompanied by music. Children and adults with communication problems and learning disabilities such as autism make use of sign languages using a system known as

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Pathophysiology of Hepatitis B Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Pathophysiology of Hepatitis B - Term Paper Example Infection with HBV may result in acute, fulminant or chronic hepatitis, sometimes even resulting in a chronic asymptomatic carrier state, apart from hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis (Davis 179). The disease is transmitted when an individual comes in contact with infected blood or objects. It may also be transferred from an infected mother to her infant either during or after birth (Harrison, Dusheiko and Zuckerman 211). Transmission may also occur by accidental inoculation from infected needles and hospital equipment, intravenous drug abuse, body piercing, tattooing, and mouth-mouth kissing (Harrison, Dusheiko and Zuckerman 210). The risk of Hepatitis B is particularly high in individuals with multiple sex partners, and in homosexuals. The HBV virus occurs in morphologically different forms in the serum of infected individuals. HBV infection has an incubation period of about 75 days. Systemic symptoms of the disease include fatigue, fever, dyspepsia, arthralgia, malaise, and rash, while local symptoms include hepatomegaly, jaundice, dark urine, and pale stools (Davis 179; Harrison, Dusheiko and Zuckerman 210). Anatomical/physiological/biochemical changes that lead to the disease Hepatitis B results from cellular injury to the liver, subsequently affecting its metabolic functions. However, the HBV is not cytopathic by itself. The pathogenesis of Hepatitis B occurs as a result of the interactions between the host’s immune system and the virus. The host immune system targets HBV in liver cells (hepatocytes), inadvertently causing damage to the liver. HBV derived proteins (nucleocapsid antigens – HBcAg and HBeAg) present on the surface of infected hepatocytes are recognized and targeted by activated CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes, resulting in an immunologic reaction that leads to hepatocellular damage (Pyrsopoulos & Reddy; Harrison, Dusheiko and Zuckerman 221). The immune response against hepatitis B is T-cell mediated. These immune responses against infected hepatocytes result in liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinomas. Damage to hepatocytes also manifests as spotty acidophilic necrosis and lymphohistiocytic lobular inflammation in the liver (UPMC). Anatomical/physiological/biochemical changes the disease causes Hepatitis B disease pathology is mainly a result of impaired liver function due to hepatocellular damage. The anatomical and physiological changes that result from HBV infection are arthralgia, cholecystitis, cholangitis, bradycardia, irritability, lethargy, jaundice, fever, erythema, nausea, spider angiomas, splenomegaly and bile duct obstruction in some cases (Turkington and Ashby, 148; Davis 181). Patients experience extreme fatigue and malaise, and discharge dark urine and pale stools. In addition, there is significant weight loss. Chronic hepatitis may result in liver cancers (hepatocellular carcinomas). The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma is highest in individuals with HBV infected cirrhotic liv er (Harrison, Dusheiko and Zuckerman 234). These cancers develop due to integration of viral DNA in host genome, apart from a variety of other factors. Biochemical changes as a result of HBV infection include elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels due to liver damage. Jaundice, a common symptom in HBV infections, results from impaired bilirubin metabolism in the liver. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that results from the breakdown of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin breakdown mainly occurs in the hepatocytes, where the resulting bilirubin is converted into a water-soluble compound and excreted through bile into the gut. Impairment of the hepatocytes due to HBV infection prevents the liver from carrying out this function effectively. Inability to excrete bilirubin results in its redistribution

Autism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Autism - Research Paper Example The trend has also caused increased autistic cases since the last century. The book also dwells on understanding the causing factors and symptoms of the disease. However, the author does not provide a particular causing factor. This is based on that numerous factors have been cited to be responsible for the disease. For instance, genetic inheritance, exposure to birth complications, childhood vaccinations and exposure to metals can be cited as causing factors. The book also cited numerous symptoms that are associated with autism. The main focus is, however, done on the repetitive nature of autistic people. In addition, other symptoms are associated with neurological disorders. As a child develops, numerous health challenges are experienced before they reach full development. The development of a child should require their participation in social activities. In addition, the ability of a child to use their physical abilities should also be monitored. Malfunctions of these activities may depict a weaknesses or suffering from an illness. Volkmar (2007) is of the assumption that the health of a child is determined by their ability of fit their environment without many complications. Medical complications may be evidence of an existing illness of health complication. For instance, autism affects children below three years. Autism distorts the ability of the child to socialize effectively as well as take part in physical activities. Volkmar (2007) defines autism as a neurodevelopment disorder depicted by poor social interaction behavior, nonverbal and verbal communication. This medical illness makes it impossible for a child to fit in their environment. Volkmar (2007) points out that, autism has been existence for years but no certain cure has been created to curb the illness or ensure recovery of children affected. Autism is depicted by numerous characteristics and causing factors. The causing

Prison life and strategies to decrease recidivism Essay

Prison life and strategies to decrease recidivism - Essay Example With these facts in mind, this research seeks, among other things, to further look into the daily happenings at a typical American prison. And more importantly, it also seeks to address the need to prevent recidivism and to reintegrate offenders into society. In his book â€Å"Crime and Punishment in America† (1998), Elliott Currie tells us that the American approach to violent crime is out of balance and just plain wrong. Despite America’s heavy reliance on jails and prisons as deterrents to crime, at that point in time, it still held the worst level for violence among the developed countries. The idea of America being soft on crime, he says, is a myth. Whatever some may argue, the fact is that crime’s response to punishment is unpredictable. He goes on to quote John DiIulio, who explains that the money spent to put a criminal behind bars prevents two or three more from committing crime. Also, according to James Wilson, despite the expense involved in maintaining prisons, the benefits, in terms of crimes avoided, far outweigh the cost. The problem is that, even after 25 years as of his writing (and in fact, even to this very day), the vast amount of cash spent on prisons has done little to make violent crime respond consistently. And despite this, the American public still insists on the effectiveness of the penitentiary system. As an example, Currie cites the female inmates sentenced on the most minor of offenses, such as drug charges or property crimes connected to such dependencies – and how their imprisonment has left multitudes of children parentless. In this case the system fails to account for the greater costs involved: substitute care, welfare dependency, and even possible delinquency and/or drug addiction. Another more direct example is how the lack of serious vocational training in most prisons leads inmates to leave it even more ill-prepared for the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wembley stadium management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wembley stadium management - Case Study Example Wembley Stadium is the iconic stadium with very remarkable historical basis as far back as 1924. It is one of the most spectacular football stadiums in the world, with long term commitment to games.It is one of the key places to hold International Sports Event Management with Security System. The new Wembley is a state of the art facility designed by globally renowned architects for hosting national and international events in sports, music and environment. The ultimate stage for major events, built to the highest specifications, using the latest technology and promising the ultimate event experience. "Wembley will provide the luxurious conditions in which to host the leading conference on sports event management and security. The prestigious Corinthian Room will give the perfect backdrop to our exhibition and a fantastic area for delegates from all over the world to network and build relationships during coffee breaks or over lunch. "Wembley Stadium is a truly iconic venue, known th e world over. It will be a fitting venue for the Olympic Football finals (Cloe, 2007) Team of management aims to provide the best possible and safest environment for its users and local community.The architecture of the Stadium is of great acknowledgement. "Visible right across London with it's 133 metre tall arch - the longest single span steel roof structure in the world - the revolutionary stadium will seat up to 90,000 spectators. It is promised to be one of the world's greatest stadiums, with outstanding facilities, unrivalled acoustics and sell-out sporting matches - all under it's retractable roof" (Arup, 2007) This great facility and the magnanimous scale at which the events would take place requires a team of skilful people to manage the smooth and efficient event management as well as security, to ensure maximum customer satisfaction with the experience. The access has to be controlled determining minimum car usage, and more efficient public transport. This would be vital to successful infrastructure maintenance and management. The upgrading and improvement on both the Wembley Stadium Station and Wembley Central Stations have to be given priority. It would also require for improved section of highway known as the Stadium Access Corridor. "With our wealth of experience in project and risk management, technical expertise, procurement know-how, funding strategies and stakeholder management, we are driving the project forward to ensure everything remains on track for the scheduled opening".(Arup) The event management of the magnitude which takes place at Wembley would require efficient infrastructure, vigilant security, good public transport system, variety of kiosks and other facilities, facilities management for meeting the needs of 90,000 spectators, good data access system and effective waste management. "Improving sustainability at Wembley Stadium is a long-term goal. We are excited to have support from the stadium's management team and know these programs will positively affect future events held there."(Wembley, 2007) The combined effort of the management team working in harmony with the government agencies would ensure successful Wembley Stadium Management, which will be the centre for ongoing events and sports performances. The attraction to events taking place at Wembley Stadium would have to cater to the needs of the international as well as national audience. The information needs to be available in different languages and the stadium should have the service to attend to the needs of non-English speaking people. The visual signs on display should be graphically clear and bold in display and communication. The stadium should have very clear and correct visual guide, directing spectators to the right designated areas of interest. Besides this there should be usherers to assist those who are lost or confused. The security system should be able to keep up with the vigilance without too much delay and equipped with latest technology which would ensure quick safety measure.

Rossie the riveter Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rossie the riveter - Movie Review Example It is the case that Sheridan Harvey identifies that most people bring to mind the image â€Å"We can do it!† created by J. Howard Miller for the Westinghouse corporation. However it is Norman Rockwell that provided the image that was most examined by the film’s narrator. Rockwell created an image that was in many respects much brawnier and dirty than Miller’s iconic image. The naming of Rosie the Riveter comes from a song written by Red Evans John Jacob Loeb. In which the protagonist is more gifted than a typical male worker. It was postulated that this song influenced Rockwell insofar as he painted the name ‘Rosie’ on the lunchbox of his image. The film then highlights a number of women actually named ‘Rose/Rosie’ who were credited with excellent accomplishments during the war. The miller image became more popular as it is the case that there was less copyright restriction and as such became more widely reproduced. A great description is provided as to how the Rosie character becomes a contrast between male and female roles, as well as postulating that Rockwell gave her a kind of angelic look. Building on this last image, the film then indicates that a government sponsored publication called the women’s war guide, provided advice to companies on how to attract women in the workforce, as well as giving general advice to women on activities they could complete to help the war effort. This in essence was recognition by the U.S. government that women were an integral part of the war effort. The next image that was examined was also completed by Rockwell which depicted a patriotic woman carrying the gear to complete a variety of different tasks that were integral to the war effort. This image depicted a woman who was a nurse, farmer, a conductor, a mechanic and a telephone operator. The film then postulates that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Prison life and strategies to decrease recidivism Essay

Prison life and strategies to decrease recidivism - Essay Example With these facts in mind, this research seeks, among other things, to further look into the daily happenings at a typical American prison. And more importantly, it also seeks to address the need to prevent recidivism and to reintegrate offenders into society. In his book â€Å"Crime and Punishment in America† (1998), Elliott Currie tells us that the American approach to violent crime is out of balance and just plain wrong. Despite America’s heavy reliance on jails and prisons as deterrents to crime, at that point in time, it still held the worst level for violence among the developed countries. The idea of America being soft on crime, he says, is a myth. Whatever some may argue, the fact is that crime’s response to punishment is unpredictable. He goes on to quote John DiIulio, who explains that the money spent to put a criminal behind bars prevents two or three more from committing crime. Also, according to James Wilson, despite the expense involved in maintaining prisons, the benefits, in terms of crimes avoided, far outweigh the cost. The problem is that, even after 25 years as of his writing (and in fact, even to this very day), the vast amount of cash spent on prisons has done little to make violent crime respond consistently. And despite this, the American public still insists on the effectiveness of the penitentiary system. As an example, Currie cites the female inmates sentenced on the most minor of offenses, such as drug charges or property crimes connected to such dependencies – and how their imprisonment has left multitudes of children parentless. In this case the system fails to account for the greater costs involved: substitute care, welfare dependency, and even possible delinquency and/or drug addiction. Another more direct example is how the lack of serious vocational training in most prisons leads inmates to leave it even more ill-prepared for the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rossie the riveter Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rossie the riveter - Movie Review Example It is the case that Sheridan Harvey identifies that most people bring to mind the image â€Å"We can do it!† created by J. Howard Miller for the Westinghouse corporation. However it is Norman Rockwell that provided the image that was most examined by the film’s narrator. Rockwell created an image that was in many respects much brawnier and dirty than Miller’s iconic image. The naming of Rosie the Riveter comes from a song written by Red Evans John Jacob Loeb. In which the protagonist is more gifted than a typical male worker. It was postulated that this song influenced Rockwell insofar as he painted the name ‘Rosie’ on the lunchbox of his image. The film then highlights a number of women actually named ‘Rose/Rosie’ who were credited with excellent accomplishments during the war. The miller image became more popular as it is the case that there was less copyright restriction and as such became more widely reproduced. A great description is provided as to how the Rosie character becomes a contrast between male and female roles, as well as postulating that Rockwell gave her a kind of angelic look. Building on this last image, the film then indicates that a government sponsored publication called the women’s war guide, provided advice to companies on how to attract women in the workforce, as well as giving general advice to women on activities they could complete to help the war effort. This in essence was recognition by the U.S. government that women were an integral part of the war effort. The next image that was examined was also completed by Rockwell which depicted a patriotic woman carrying the gear to complete a variety of different tasks that were integral to the war effort. This image depicted a woman who was a nurse, farmer, a conductor, a mechanic and a telephone operator. The film then postulates that

Organizational structures Essay Example for Free

Organizational structures Essay Organizations have distinct structures for organizing business entities. An organization can be of different structures depending upon size of the business organization. The complexity in organizing demands segregating the responsibilities. The important organizations structures are pre-bureaucratic, bureaucratic, Functional, Divisional and post bureaucratic structures. Pre-bureaucratic organization has typically small management team, typically one man show format, low on profits and easy to organize. Bureaucratic organizations has a complex organization structure, large business entity with varied functions to take of, the decision making process needs to run in hierarchical phase and it may delay the decision making process. Functional organization is concerned with large organizations with different entities. A FMCG company may have toilet soaps, detergents, cosmetics etc is a perfect example of functional structure. The organizational structure will have more freedom to product enhancement. Cross functional organizing will be difficult to organize. Matrix organization segregates distinct functional profiles and organizational operational aspects. Different departments will separately work on a specific project like the engineering, marketing, operations and administration. Post organizational structure deals with the unique features of an organizational which are having virtual importance than the conventional organizational responsibilities. The functions like the quality management, employee benefits and cross cultural management are taken into account. Not many organizations can bear the non revenue profiles like the above as these facilities are expensive and complex to implement.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The role of tourism in the development of Nigeria

The role of tourism in the development of Nigeria In discussing this, earlier work conducted on similar research will be made will be made reference to. This include: a research carried out by (Oji-Chukuwka, 2013) entitled Economic development of Nigeria-The Role of Tourism. This study was carried out using structured questionnaire and based on the notion that the federal government has heavily depended on agriculture and crude oil as the main stay of the Nigerian economy. As such, the researcher decided to carry out a research to unravel how well or otherwise the Ebonyi State Tourism Board has contributed to the Nigerian economy through the promotion of its tourism-related activities. The following were the objectives of the study: 1. If the Nigerian tourism sector has met the objectives with which it was set up? 2. If Government’s interference in the activities of the Ebonyi State Tourism board affects its performance in the long-run 3. If Tourism has created equal job openings for all classes of people. In another study, carried out in 2006, Noà «lleOConnor examined how television induced tourism has influenced Ballykissangel’s Residential Community in the long run. Ballykissangel is the title of a BBC television drama that was shot in Ireland. It aired from 1996 to 2001 and had six episodes. OConnor, simply wanted to find out if and how the decision to shoot the series in the rural Irish suburb has affected the tourist inflow into the community. The purpose of the study, according to her, was to examine the influence of television induced tourism on asmall rural basedcommunityinIrelandandhowitcanactuallyinfluencetourist development to adestination. Specifically, the researcher sought to find out the role of the television series’ in developing an area for tourism related activities. The case study chosen therefore for this research was Avoca, a small village in County Wicklow, Ireland that was the setting for the filming ofthe BBCtelevision series Ballykissangel. The major data for the work were collected fromasystematic sample of residents of Avoca and through personal interviews. 2.4. Empirical Literature During the course of consulting other research works that are in line with my research, the different methodologies used proffered different findings and conclusions. These would be highlighted here as part of the empirical literature. The first study, (Oji, Chukwuka, 2013,) discovered that the lukewarm and inadequate funding of the Ebonyi State tourism board was the one of the banes confronting the development of tourism in the state. Also, findings of his study revealed that the government were the major beneficiaries of the tax revenues derived from civil servants, visitors’ expenditure and tourism attraction. On the other hand, OConnor, discovered that alarge number of tourists were attracted toAvoca as due to the fact that the then popular seriesBallykissangel was being shot in the locality. Today , tourism hasbecome Avoca’s most vitalindustry since the closure of its cooper mines. The residents have also realised that not only has this increased their earnings, it has attracted the international attention to the once quiet suburb. It has also created job opportunities for the locals whilst instilling a sense of pride for the natives of the community. With regards to the tourism promotion, this study revealed that Television is currently the most potent of all media used in promoting tourism activities. In view of this, more consideration should be given to television as a medium of advertising. This may be because Television combines motion, sound, and special visual effects. The product can be demonstrated and described on TV. It also offers wide geographic coverage and flexibility as to when the message can be presented (Arens, 1996). 2.5 .Other relevant literature 2.5 .1 The Nature of the Nigerian Tourism Industry Nigeria currently boasts of an array of beautiful landmarks, amazing water-bodies which include the beaches, rainforests in the southern part of the country ,monuments, sites and sound, down to the hustle and bustle which is prevalent in the cosmopolitan cities like Lagos, Abuja and Port-Harcourt. All these have become particularly conducive and attractive for holidaying. Besides the tourist attractions, the culture, norms, artefacts, food, language, mode of dressing which all differ from one part of Nigeria to the other, have all contributed in making the country extremely unique in many ways. On many occasions, international tourists are in awe of the unique selling points of Nigeria despite the attendant issues like corruption and high poverty index. However according to (Uche, 2003) many of these attractions are largely still untapped notwithstanding the fact that they are largely exploited. They are savoured by visitors either rich and in search of adventure, new terrains and exploits. One cannot help but mention some of these attractive tourist sites which Nigeria boasts of. They include the Yankari Games Reserve, Olumo Rock, Mabilla Plateau, Zuma Rock, Gashaka Games Reserve and of course the coastal beaches which are unique and enchanting. Tourism is relatively at an infancy stage in Nigeria. This is more so because of the running neglect of the abundant resources naturally endowed on the country rather than the lack of them. Nigeria’s rich cultural diversity and tourist attractions are inexhaustible. Apart from Cultural sites and reserves which serve as potential tourist attractions, African countries like Nigeria have abundant cultural festivals that are very rich in mythology and diversity which can also be harnessed to generate revenue as well as serve as a means of creating some feeling of shared love and brotherhood among the various ethnic groups in Nigeria. These festivals include the fishing and New Yam festivals celebrated in almost all the nooks and corners of the country at various seasons of the year. The uniqueness of Nigeria’s tourism potentials have been confirmed and recognized by UNESCO, which has singled out the Sukur Kingdom in Adamawa State as a world heritage site. Other unique sites also recognized include the Three Sisters’ Rock, Kamala Mountains, Obudu Cattle Ranch, Lokoja Confluence, Osun Oshogbo Shrine, Gurara Waterfalls, Ikogosi Warm water springs, Oguta Lake, Kwa Waterfalls, Bwasu Hot water spring, Mboi pond, ancient natural and man-made caves and a host of other sites. Many years after the advent of television in Nigeria as well as the proliferation of private television stations across the country very little has been done to promote the tourism sector, which is a neglected goldmine, (Da Silva, 1999). However, despite the rich number of tourist sites and attractions in Nigeria, there have been a lot of impediments to the growth of the sector. These impediments are numerous and include acute conditions of advanced fee fraud popularly called 419, underdevelopment and poverty as well as the growing level of insecurity-fuelled by the activities of the insurgent group, Boko Haram, which many potential Nigerian bound tourist’ many not like to be confronted with. A survey on tourist activities in different geographical areas of Africa shows that Nigeria is one of the least favourite destinations which by extension earn less income. However, in spite of the enormous tourism potentials in Nigeria, the investigation shows that tourisms contribution to economic development in Nigeria leaves much to be desired, (Ovat, 2003). Sensing the impediments to the growth of the tourism sector and realising the important role that tourism can play in the economic and national development of Nigeria, led to the establishment of the National Tourism Policy. (Da, Silva, 1999) says the national tourism policy prescribes various ways of promoting the development of tourism in Nigeria through the following ways: Increase the flow of foreign exchange through the promotion of international tourism Encourage even development of tourism based enterprises. Accelerate rural/urban integration Foster socio-cultural unity among the various groups in the country through the promotion of domestic tourism Promotion and encouragement of active private sector participation Preservation of our cultural heritage and historical monuments Massive and aggressive publicity campaign to facilitate the growth and development of tourism Simplify the issuance of visas to intending visitors. Re-orientation for all security agencies including customs and immigrations,( Da, Silva,1999) While all these promises are okay, revenue from tourism sector has not been encouraging. A careful study of tourism statistics and data reveals that Nigeria in particular is one of the least favourite destination in the world, this by extension results in a colossal loss of revenue with untold hardship and effect on Nigeria’s gross domestic products , (Uche, 2003). On the other hand strongly believes that the Nigerian coastal waters and beaches are dirty and therefore unattractive to tourist. The negative publicity launched by the international media against Nigeria has also affected the tourist traffic in the country with (Nnadozie, 2007) identifying some of the problems affecting tourism development in Nigeria as follows -Government’s nonchalant approach to the tourism industry -The scourge of political instability which encourages wastage and poor resource management -Lack of foresight on the part of the elite who control virtually every sector of the economy. -Inadequate enlightenment and improper coverage of the tourism sector by the mass-media. Nigeria also has key rivals in the tourism industry namely Ghana, The Gambia, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco and Mauritania. These countries have a better and more developed tourism industries in terms of infrastructure, maintenance, security and enlightenment. Another impediment to the growth of tourism in Nigeria is the general belief and habit of excessively copying anything western, despite our rich cultural heritage and tourism potentials. It therefore becomes imperative therefore to blame our artists and media practitioners for failing to portray our rich cultural and tourism potentials to the outside world. They often love to portray the culture of the foreigner to the foreigner, they want to speak and dress like them. They want to belong to their kind of caucus, yet they are nothing near them. The end result however is that they have made themselves copy-cats, rather than portraying have their own culture, ( Adekeye, 2007). However in the words of (Nasco, 1986), in this day and age when no country including ours, can’t afford to solely depend on the fluctuating oil market as the primary source of revenue, tourism, my dear friends is indeed an alternative for the mobilization of the much needed foreign exchange and local revenue. The Nigerian Tourism Development Commission, NTDC, traces the advent of tourism in Nigeria back to 1472 with the first Portuguese mercantile mission-trade tourism. However, the first attempt at structuring Tourism in Nigeria came about in 1962 when a group of Nigerians with interest in and commitment to the promotion of tourism set up a body then known as Nigerian Tourism Association (NTA). Prior to the creation of the Department of Tourism in the former Federal Ministry of Trade and Tourism in January 1990, very little or no attention was paid to the development of the sector. However, following the approval for the establishment of the department, a federal bureau was also created to champion the promotion and development of tourism in Nigeria. In the last few years, the Nigerian government has put in a lot of effort aimed at reviving and improving the tourism sector. In an attempt to explore other aspects of the Nigerian economy, economy with an emphasis on the tourism sector, the federal government took some concrete steps at ensuring the development of the culture, travel and tourism industries. They comprised of inauguration of the Presidential Council on Tourism, Federal Ministry ofTourism and its Departments and Agencies with same at the States’ level and Local Tourism Committees which falls in line with the provisions of the National Tourism Policy (NTP) of2005, the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) of 1992 and the Nigeria Tourism Development Master Plan of 2006. Back in January 2003, President Olusegun Obasanjo, approved the sum of $548 million as grant to the transport, culture and tourism ministries for tourism master plan projects Udeorah, (2004). Primarily, this amount was earmarked to develop transportation, infrastructure, tourist sites, mobilization and public enlightenment towards accelerated tourism development. It is however evident that there is need for the mass media albeit television, to complement government’s effort at tourism development and promotion. Nigeria, with its population and array of tourist attractions and sites is yet to tap into this goldmine as a result of the dearth of tourism programmes on TV stations. Today, the apathy towards tourism, confronts broadcast stations in the country despite the abundance of tourism contents which can be explored to any capacity. The urgency to nurture, promote and sustain the Nigerian tourism sector cannot be over emphasized and can therefore not be overlooked, (Udeorah, 2004) The Nigerian tourism sector is still at an infantile stage amidst the abundant natural human and natural resources. Also, the infrastructures currently in place at the tourist sites and locations in Nigeria are nothing to write home about and consequently not make Nigeria the envy of other nations in this regard. When compared to countries like The Gambia, South-Africa, France and Spain who already have advanced tourism industries, Nigeria does have a long way to go (Dantata, 2011). Speaking at the Nigerian Tourism Investors forum and exhibition in Abuja in May 2014, DirectorGeneral of the Nigerian Tourism Development Board, Sally Mbanefo, noted that tourism is Indeed a tool for national economic development. She said there are several international initiatives that have highlighted the potential of tourism to contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction, as well as to environmental protection, cultural preservation, and job creation .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cancer and Lucille Cliftons Poetry Essay -- Lucille Clifton poem Poet

Cancer and Lucille Clifton's Poetry Sometimes knowledge of someone’s life can be taught by stanzas. It is not always simple being honest and open to discuss past troubles, but it is important that those negative thoughts do not stay bottled inside you. Expressing these feelings can help aid in recovering. Lucille Clifton uses poetry as her therapy to bring out all the shadows in her life. From the beginning of her career with the publishing of Good News About the Earth in 1972 to the most recent addition, Mercy in 2004, we see how Clifton relies on her writing to capture her past. Lucille Clifton’s poetry traces the life of a strong woman imprisoned by loss and disease, but eventually frees herself by living each moment as if it were her last. When you open up one of Lucille Clifton’s books of poetry, you will first notice her unique form. Her poems lack capitalization, punctuation, and many of her poems reject the normal etiquette for spacing. They are often described as â€Å"spare in form, deceptively simple in language, complex in ideas, and reflective of the commonplace† (Houston). The lack in form seems to be very significant because there are some poems where capitalization and punctuation are used. In Holladay’s Wild Blessings, it is suggested that â€Å"like the Beat poets, black activist poets were reacting against the political and literary establishment†(19). There is importance in the lack of form, but it seems that Clifton was not aiming to revolutionize, but merely make a point that the way the poem is written reflects her feelings on the subject. In 1972 Clifton published Good News About the Earth, which addresses societal issues of the time, heroism, family and religion. We see the first instanc... ...eel that she has found some peace with her troubles. She no longer questions the worst, but instead stops the talking and lives her life without fear of the unknown. Works Cited Clifton, Lucille . Good News About The Earth. New York: Random House, 1972. Clifton, Lucille . Mercy. Rochester: BOA Editions, Ltd., 2004. Clifton, Lucille . The Terrible Stories. Brockport: BOA Editions, Ltd., 1996. Hartman, Stephanie. "Reading The Scar in Breast Cancer Poetry." Feminist Studies 2004. 09 Apr 2006 Holladay, Hilary. Wild Blessings: The Poetry of Lucille Clifton. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2004. Houston, Helen R. "About Lucille Clifton." Modern American Poetry. 1995. 09 Apr. 2006 . "The Terrible Stories." Editorial Reviews Books. 1996. Publishers Weekly. 09 Apr. 2006 . (amazon).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

What Stress Is Essay -- Impact Stress Physiological Systems

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this paper is to define stress and how it effects the body's physiological systems. This paper will include the normal functions and organs involved in the following five physiological systems, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, immune and musculoskeletal. This paper will also include a description of a chronic illness associated with each physiological system and how the illness is affected by stress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stress means different things to different people and stress effects people in different ways. Some people think stress is something that happens to them such as an injury or a promotion and others think that stress is what happens to our mind, body and behaviors in response to an event. While stress does involve events and how one responds to them these are not the critical factors, but our thoughts about the situation in which we are involved are the critical factors. Essentially, stress exists whenever homeostasis is disturbed or cannot be maintained (Stress and the Social System Course Guide, 2013). Homeostasis refers to the body's ability to keep the internal chemical and physical environments constant. As your body begins to react to stress several changes occur. These changes include increased heart rate, blood pressure and secretion of stimulatory hormones. Ones body prepares itself in stressful situations to either stand ground and fight or to flee from t he situation. Walter Cannon called this stressful reaction the fight-or-flight response (Greenberg, 2012). There are different ways in which one can experience stress and it is important to remember that stress is an essential part of life. Not all stressful situations are negative. Receiving a promotion at work, the birth of a child or taking a trip can all be stressful but are not threatening. The reason why one may see these situations as stressful is because they may feel unprepared to deal with them. To eliminate confusion and misuse of words Hans Selye gave names to the different types of stress one may experience, he described damaging or unpleasant experiences as distress and pleasurable or satisfying experiences are called eustress (Rice, 2012). The next part of this paper will consist of information describing the organs and the normal functions involved in five of the physiological systems in the human body. It will also include one illness... Stress Management, 6th ed., Dubuque, IA: W. C.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brown 2012. Kitteredge, Mary. The Respiratory System, New York, NY: Chelsea House Publishing,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2010. Nourse, M. D. Your Immune System, New York, NY: Franklin Watts, 2010. Rice, Phillip L. Stress and Health, 3rd ed., New York, NY: Brooks/Cole, 2013. The American Medical Women's Association. Guide to Cardiovascular Health,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, NY: Dell Publishing, 2009. University of Maryland University College. Course Guide-BEHS 463: Stress and the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social System, College Park, MD: International University Consortium, 2009. Weston, M. D. Know Your Body: The Atlas of Anatomy. Berkeley, CA: Marshall   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cavendish Books Limited, 2005 Internet Sources Balta, D. M. D. (2009). The TMJ: How can Such a Small Joint Cause so Much Trouble?,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Online]. Available: [11/12/14]. Seattle Education Project. (2013, November). STEP: The Immune System - An   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Overview, [Online]. Available: [11/12/14]. Byard, Terry & Favian. (2013). The Musculoskeletal System, [Online]. Available: [11/14/14].